Long wrong sound effect not htm
Long wrong sound effect not htm

long wrong sound effect not htm

Coming Soon!! Why Reed Solomon Error Correction codes do not correct all errors. The CD transport must be absolutely level for the best sound, otherwise the spinning CD tends to flop around in there, especially if it is out of round, making the laser reading much more difficult. Polycarbonate, selected because it has the correct refractive index for CD laser geometry to work, is approximately 92% transparent to the CD laser, best case scenario.ģ. The issue is the transparency of the polycarbonate layer which, in fact, is not perfectly transparent to begin with.

long wrong sound effect not htm

The chemical, Mold Release Compound most likely, who knows, that is absorbed into the surface of the polycarbonate layer of the CD somewhere along the line must be removed as it interferes with the laser reading the data. Thus, the Audio Desk Systeme Sound Improver was born.Ģ. For that reason they wobble and flop around inside the transport during play, making accurate laser reading of the data difficult since the tracking servo mechanism must work overtime. Have you ever asked yourself why CDs often sound thin, undynamic, threadbare, hollow, tinny, bass shy, whimpy, rolled off, jangly, radio like, congealed, generic, uninspiring, airless and discombobulated? Here we look at some fundamental problems inherent with CD playback that might help explain why CDs frequently sound pretty awful.ġ.

Long wrong sound effect not htm