Goland install
Goland install

goland install

Quick navigation: It only takes one click to switch to a super method, implementation, usages, declaration, and more.Refactorings: The available refactorings include Rename and Extract, allowing you quickly and safely change your code.When they find problematic code, they provide you with quick-fixes which you can apply simply by pressing Alt+Enter.


Inspections & quick-fixes: The IDE provides built-in inspections that check your code on the fly as you type it.When you choose a suggestion, it adds corresponding package import statements on the fly Ctrl+Shift+Space gives you a list of the most relevant symbols applicable in the current context.

goland install

  • Smart completion: The IDE helps you write new code by auto-completing statements for you.
  • Nilness Analyzer is a new set of code inspections designed to instantly detect whether variables might have nil or not nil values in a variety of cases.
  • A new Extract Interface refactoring helps you quickly create a new interface based on the selected type.
  • It lets you step into arbitrary calls in an expression, automatically stepping over the methods you are not interested in.
  • Debugging a chain of calls and nested method calls is much easier now with the new debugger action, Smart Step Into.
  • Review and sort the analysis results in a dedicated tool window, all from within GoLand.

    goland install

    Run Heap, CPU, Mutex, or Block profilers in one click.GoLand provides clever completion, on-the-fly inspections and quick-fixes, navigation and automated refactorings - all packed together inside an ergonomic environment.

    Goland install